List of Alice Ghostley Films

Alice Ghostley
The Flim-Flam Man

The Flim-Flam Man


Mordrcai Jones (George C. Scott) is a rural con artist (a 'flim flam man') who takes on a young army deserter Curley (Michael Sarrazin) as his protégé and teaches him the tricks of the trade. Sheriff Slade (Harry Morgan) is in hot pursuit of the pair and rich girl Bonnie Lee Packard (Sue Lyon) becomes romantically involved with Curley and helps the fleeing duo stay one step ahead of the sheriff. The film features a great automobile chase scene for those who appreciate this kind of cinema hijinks. Screenplay by William Rose ("It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World").

Whispers: An Elephant's Tale

Whispers: An Elephant's Tale


A nameless baby elephant-steer was just getting used to life in the herd, when poachers kill his mother, so he runs and gets lost. He's found by a grouchy female, Groove, the sister of an alpha-female, who walks off disgusted with life in her herd. Not exactly wholehearted, she still takes the orphan under her wing, 'til we find your herd', but fails to find his herd, or a new home with males—who find him disrespectful and mouthy—or her own herd, which nicknames the kid Whispers since his trumpeting is so weak. Meanwhile the fear of poachers and (in the movie) lions drives them north over the great river, a long and dangerous journey...